Life as Polyamorous Elders
Life as Polyamorous Elders | An interview with author Kathy Labriola, Therapist. Kathy has great expertise working with older poly clients.
Both you and Amir have incredible voices for recording that convey well your groundedness, wisdom and ability to connect compassionately with the stories of your interviewees in service to your audience. Well done 🙏🏻♥️🌟
Margery & Dom, Hartford, CT
Life as Polyamorous Elders | An interview with author Kathy Labriola, Therapist. Kathy has great expertise working with older poly clients.
Becoming Beloveds with Kari and Steven Cardinale (S3 | E112). We have to recently married open nesters this week on the podcast.
Transparency & Micro-Bursts of Connections with Laura Silverstein (S3 | E111). The Open Nesters Podcast with Tessa & Amir.
What’s Tik Tok Got To Do With It? Love, Relationships, Sex in a Rapidly Changing World. The Open Nesters Podcast.
How to Slow Down. Carl Honoré is a bestselling author, broadcaster and the voice of the Slow Movement The Open Nesters Podcast.
What is a “polysecure” relationship like? Jessica Fern, Tessa and Amir discuss all ends of the poly spectrum in this highly useful episode.
We bring our friendship series to a close with so so many resources for you. Books, articles, podcasts. The Open Nesters Podcast.
Magic and Mutuality with Jonathan Pillot. The Open Nesters Podcast Friendship Series. Season 3 | Episode 106.
The Friendship Series. I am so pleased to share this episode from “The Rose Woman Podcast” where I was a guest.
Men Take Down Your Armor with guest Carl Honoré. Let’s honor our emotions and be all the better for it. The Open Nesters Podcast.