Click on the red Play button to hear Tessa and Amir describe the resources that have been created for you and how to best explore the Open Nest Community.
Resources for You
``You are the known way leading always to the unknown,`` wrote Wendell Berry in a poem called The Country of Marriage. ``And you are the known place to which the unknown is always leading me back.``
Articles and Scholarship
Love has many forms, many expressions… as someone once wrote, it “finds a way.” Here we have resources that should help anyone considering the opening of their own nest. No, not a complete list, yet. But with your help, we can turn this into a real library of riches.
Your assignment: send us an email with links to books, podcasts, articles, individuals that you find useful. We will be sure to add them here: Tessa.
- What Does Middle Age Actually Feel Like?
- The Earthing Movie (Trailer)
- The impact of ageism on health and health care
- How to View Aging as Sexy
- Living Apart Together (Time Magazine)
- The Magic of Our Paradoxical Lives
- 50 Tips from couples together 50 years
- The Basic Need for Sex at All Ages
- Feathering the Empty Nest (NY Times)
- Travelling Solo (
- From Empty Nest to No Nest
- The Attachment Style Quiz (Personal Development School)
- Older Couples Stay Together Because the Live Apart (WSJ)
- The Ethical Slut (Rolling Stone)
- Can you Access the Joy and Benefits of Flow in Lockdown? (Psychology Today)
- Make a Mistake? You Grew Your Brain
- Kink and Trust: How Some Trauma Survivors Find Healing Through BDSM
- Why Poverty in Old Age Was a Real Possibility
- Dating After 60: A Lot of Roses, Some Thorns
- How a Polyamorous Mom Had ‘a Big Sexual Adventure’ and Found Herself
- Rose Woman Podcast
- Loving without Boundaries (Interview with Tessa & Amir)
- Esther Perel: Where Should We Begin
- Loving Without Boundaries
- Pleasure Mechanics
- The Radio Vagabond
- On Being (Krista Tippet)
- Death Sex, and Money (Anna Sale)
- Extra Pack of Peanuts (Travel)
- Rough Translation (Travel)
- Extremities (Travel)
- Normalizing Non-Monogamy
- Sisters of Sexuality
- The Bed Hoppers
- Interview with Tessa and Amir (Sumati Sparks)
- Sexual Personae (Camille Paglia)
- Vagina (Naomi Wolf)
- Sex at Dawn (Christopher Ryan & Cacilda Jetha)
- Book Sources for Empty Nesters (Stephanie Elliot)
- How We Live Now (Bella DePaulo)
- This Chair Rocks (Ashton Applewhite)
- Going Gypsy (David and Veronica James)
- Passionate Marriage (David Schnarch)
- Bolder: Making the Most of our Longer Lives (Carl Honoré)
- This Chair Rocks (Ashton Applewhite)