Life’s Act Three

We are the Open Nesters. We are the Baby Boomers and Gen X’ers who reject the traditional roles that our parents played and the empty nest syndrome.

We defy the stigma of ageism, ailing health, empty retirement and a passionless sex life.

The demographics of this middle-aged population comprise 34% of our population in 2020, and 42% by 2029. As our aging population grows, our lifestyle choices need to expand along with it.


The Open Nesters Podcast

We hope that our podcast opens a window into what is possible at this transitional and tender stage of life, encouraging you to look beyond the emptiness and toward what this period can OPEN up in your life. Together we explore relationships with our adult, millennial kids in parallel to our own reclaiming a passion for living and a passionate sex life, and so much more. We interview individuals & couples regarding new creative and spiritual journeys, intellectual and physical adventure, new careers & hobbies, intimacy, fantasy and true love, eroticism, and even kink as some of our topics.

Explore Some of Our Most Popular Podcasts About Act Three Below.

Empty Nest Gypsy Nesting (Episode 2)

Empty Nest Gypsy Nesting (Episode 2)

In the interview the Open and Gypsy Nesters cover a lot of ground. From jumping into a beat up (think $3,000 on ebay!) old motor home to “sailing the seven seas” on a modest sized boat the adventures abound.

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