What’s in a name (and logo)?
Infinite Possibilities
by Tessa
The Open Nesters Logo
The infinity sign is designed with the birds leaving the nest and represents the open nesters. Life takes flight.
Partnerships and relationships require boundaries, and we will discuss that in our podcast, but the idea of boundless love and flow of this infinity sign is what intrigues us most. It has a simplicity and a balance as an ideal, and yet it’s open to flow and limitless possibility.
The message we love most is that as a couple of 30 years, we allow one another to go out, explore new space, bring that energy that we derive from going out back to the center of our lives and to one another.
About The Concept: Open Nesting
Text Verbatim from Podcast
[TESSA] Amir has always been the visionary one in our marriage, kind of crazy. This visionary comes up with all these crazy terms sometimes too, even as a foreigner. And sometimes they’re right on. I’m very much the one that’s full of the emotions and taking each of our kids to school was always an emotional experience for me. Our third child didn’t want to really stay at school. So we had to do a whole little dance about around that and not going to orientation. After that we found ourselves at home, alone.
[AMIR] Tessa stood in the kitchen. She said, “Well, honey, uh, now we are empty nesters.” And I looked at her and I went, and I opened up the front door and I said, “No, we are open nesters. Think about all the openings.”
[TESSA] And it’s so much nicer than the term empty. Even as, as openness can give us so many possibilities to just have fun. And with, with new space and time that we can create for ourselves and make love any, anywhere we want in the house, whatever noises we want. So it’s all good. And we love it.
Love it!!