Monogamish 101 with Dan and Mary
Monogamish 101 with Dan and Mary | Adults kids, ecstatic dance, non-monogamy. Two people living their own lives… finally!
As Esther Perel famously says, the quality of relationships determines the quality of our lives.
As we age wisely we realize how to show up more fully in our lives for the people we love.
All of these episodes, ranging from deepening Monogamy to exploring how to create more excitement, to taking risks emotionally and sexually, have the potential to open your hearts, minds and bodies to possibilities.
We have all heard that most of us do not take enough risks, which is where we can hold regret at the end of our lives. I hope you may consider stretching your edges with these interviews, as we have learned so much from these experts, individuals and partnerships.
Monogamish 101 with Dan and Mary | Adults kids, ecstatic dance, non-monogamy. Two people living their own lives… finally!
Open Bi Kinky Over 50 | Meet CJ and Linwood. They met online from across the world. And now are together in a highly unique relationship.
Kevin and Antoinette are a polyamorous couple… with children. Kevin is the author of Love’s Not Color Blind. The Open Nesters Podcast.
The Open Nest Evolving and Revolving Door with Tessa & Amir. We love the chance to do an episode just the two of us. The Open Nesters.
Wild Monogamy – Like when you go to a play party and just play with your partner. Sex and Sensuality on The Open Nesters Podcast.
Junie Moon works in the shadows. Or, rather, she helps us deal with shadows. Demons. Deal with the parts of our lives that require a ‘reckoning.’
Life as Polyamorous Elders | An interview with author Kathy Labriola, Therapist. Kathy has great expertise working with older poly clients.
Becoming Beloveds with Kari and Steven Cardinale (S3 | E112). We have to recently married open nesters this week on the podcast.
Transparency & Micro-Bursts of Connections with Laura Silverstein (S3 | E111). The Open Nesters Podcast with Tessa & Amir.
What is a “polysecure” relationship like? Jessica Fern, Tessa and Amir discuss all ends of the poly spectrum in this highly useful episode.